Teaching Manuals
The IFCA Publishing House offers a variety of manuals that pastors and church educators can use to facilitate the training of God's people.
Holy Spirit Theology
by Tim Tyler
This book is not an exhaustive study of the Holy Spirit. It is simply a general overview of the doctrines and ministries of the Holy Spirit. It is designed to develop an interaction with the student and the Spirit through the truth and application of God’s Word. The purpose is to apply the theology with a real experience to discover the person and work of the Spirit within the believer’s life.
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Old Testament Survey
by Dr. Alan Schrader
The most basic division of the Bible is that of “testaments,” “covenants,” or “compacts” between God and His people. Both of the testaments are centered in Christ. The Old Testament views Christ by way of anticipation; the New Testament views Him by way of realization. The Old Testament is incomplete without the New Testament. The salvation prepared for in the Old Testament was provided by Christ in the New Testament. What is commenced in the Old Testament is completed in the Christ of the New Testament. Christ was enfolded in the truth of the Old Testament but is unfolded in the truth of the New Testament.
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New Testament Survey
by Tim Tyler
New Testament Survey is a general or comprehensive study of the collection of books of the Bible that were produced by the early Christian church. It covers the teaching of the covenant between God and man in which the dispensation of grace is revealed through Jesus Christ.
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The Book of Genesis
by David Belles
The word “Genesis means “in the beginning.” The book of Genesis contains many beginnings. There is the beginning of all creation. There is the beginning of God’s relationship to his image bearers. There is the beginning of humanities descent into sin. There is the beginning of God’s efforts to judge and start anew. There is the beginning of a new nation. Welcome to this study of the book of Genesis. This manual is part of a series of teaching manuals published by the IFCA Publishing House. It is our hope and prayer that you will find these manuals a blessing to you and to your church congregation.
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God's People in the Promised Land:
A Study in the Books of Joshua, Judges and Ruth
by David Belles
Moses had called God’s people to choose: life or death, blessing or cursing. If God’s people chose a life of fidelity to Yahweh and his commandments, then he would bless them. Fidelity and obedience were to define the life of God’s people. These three books are a record of God’s people as they struggled to live as they were called to live in the Land of Promise.
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Life of Christ
by Tim Tyler and Emily Snider
The word Gospel, or evangelion in Greek means “Good News”. The word Christ, or Christos in Greek, is the equivalent to the Hebrew word “Messiah,” meaning “Anointed one.” This course is a survey of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus and a record of his teaching, which proclaims the redemption preached by Jesus and the Apostles.
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The Theology of God
by Tim Tyler
Theology is the systematic study of the existence and nature of the divine and its relationship to and influence upon other beings. In this guide we will study the attributes of God and how they relate to humanity.
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Hearing the Voice of God
by Tim Tyler
The Bible repeatedly states that God desires to communicate with man. From the beginning we see the Word of the Lord walking in the Garden to communicate with Adam and Eve. God’s heart and ultimate desire is intimacy. He wants to communicate and speak to His people. In this guide. we will study the ways that God has communicated with his people in the hope that we as individuals can better learn to hear him .
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Fivefold Ministry
by Tim Tyler
Explore the importance of the Fivefold ministry to the health and fruitfulness of the Church. This manual examines the role of each fivefold office, how it functions, and how each office reflects the ministry of Jesus Christ.
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The Basics of Living in Christ
by Dr. Alan Schrader
We are living in a day when it is absolutely critical that believers know what they believe and that what they believe is firmly based on the Word of God, the Bible. So many believers today are enlisting in the army of the Lord without the sword of the Spirit and they find themselves unarmed when it comes to doing spiritual battle. This teaching is designed to give every believer a foundational understanding of the basics of living in Christ.
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Financial Freedom
by Dr. Alan Schrader
The primary goal of this material is to help individuals become better managers of the resources with which God has entrusted to them. Indeed this is what finances are – resources. God never intended us to serve a source for fulfillment or security. Did you know that approximately ten percent of all verses in the Gospels deal with the subject of money? In fact, about one-fifth of all that Jesus said was related to money. Why is this? Money or resources touches us where we live. It manages to influence every human through every day of his or her existence on the earth. The clothes we wear, the food we eat, the places we live, the places we visit, and the vehicle we drive are all money related. The truth in this material will become evident to those who recognize the value of a life surrendered to God.
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Biblical Christianity vs Other Religions
by Dr. Alan Schrader
Many today, in the 21st century, claim that , “God is one and the same, only people call him by different names”. Such a statement aims to reconcile all the religions of the world. It sounds safe and friendly; making nearly all religions acceptable so that people are lulled into a false sense of security. This false concept becomes even more misleading when the same names for God are used, such as the Almighty, the Merciful, and the Creator. It is tragic because the outward differences that demand investigation are brushed aside. It is very clear that we should not only be aware of the spiritual challenges of these last days and hours, but to be properly prepared to defend the faith against all attacks, be willing to openly state where the cults are wrong, and to challenge everyone to repent and return to the God of truth.
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Introduction to Theology
by Dr. Alan Schrader
Theology involves the complex duty of thinking about and studying the nature of God. Studying theology means taking on challenging questions about the meaning of God and religion. My prayer is that your study in Theology would help bring you into the knowledge and understanding of the God who was, is, and is to come. May you see that God, in monotheistic thought, is conceived of as the supreme being, creator deity, and principal object of faith. God is omnipotent (all-powerful), omniscient (all-knowing), omnipresent (all-present) and omni-benevolent (all-good) as well as having an eternal and necessary existence.
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An Introduction to the Old Testament Scriptures
by Dr. Alan Schrader
The Word of God takes on new life when a person understands the major events in the Old Testament. The Seed that God promised Adam and Eve, the One who would redeem mankind, would not only come through the seed of the woman, but also through the loins of Abraham and his descendants, Isaac and Jacob. What is the correct way to interpret the Old Testament? It is sometimes imagined that there are as many different interpretations of the Old Testament as there are readers. How should the Old Testament be understood? As the Ethiopian eunuch asked, with the Bible in hand, “How can I [understand] unless someone guides me?” The answer to this problem for the Christian is clear. Jesus Christ is our guide; He is the key to the interpretation of the Bible.
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