The IFCA Publishing House has books written by gifted writers within the fellowship.
Spring Devotions
by Dr Alan J. Schrader
Reading the Daily Devotions will produce a healthy and balanced diet of hope for the discouraged, a refuge for the hurting, and friendship for the lonely. May you grow in faith, hope, and love.
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From Thirsting to Bursting: Reaching Your Potential to Reach Your World
You were born for something special. Day after day, you feel it deep within. You know it's true, but you're still trying to figure it all out. This easy to read book offers some practical advice for thirsty souls. From Thirsting to Bursting contains a life-changing message based on an extraordinary conversation Jesus had with someone at an ancient well, as described in The Gospel of John chapter 4. The author uses this encounter from long ago as a thought-provoking template for how we can overcome obstacles, embrace purpose, and make a real difference in today's world.
Click here to order this book.
Know Your Niche
By John Merola
Have you ever wondered what you were meant to do with your life? The discovery of our purpose is one of life's most rewarding and meaningful experiences. Knowing Your Niche is a combination of biblical wisdom, personal insight, and proven principles to help guide you on a path of significance and possibility.
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The Leadership Life
by John Merola
In his latest book, John Merola identifies ten components of what he refers to as The Leadership Life. Drawing on lessons from the life of two biblical heroes, Daniel and the Apostle Paul, John paints a clear picture of what you must do not only to be called a leader, but to lead effectively. Whether you are a seasoned or developing leader, you will find valuable insight in The Leadership Life that will help you lead in a God-pleasing manner and succeed in whatever sphere you are called to provide leadership.
Click here to order this book.
The Empowered Life
by John Merola
Are you ready to live empowered? Have you ever considered what it means to live empowered? What are the hallmarks of an empowered life? How can you tell if you're ready to live in an empowered way? Many people sense deep within themselves a desire and a call to a significant purpose, but are unsure exactly what that looks like or how to get there. The Empowered Life is a personal and practical guide for discovering the pathway to your God-given destiny. This easy to read manual provides ten footsteps of faith for the most important journey of our lifetime.
Click here to order this book.